Survey Software Upgrades to The Survey System
To keep ahead of the latest trends in survey software development, Creative Research Systems releases a new version of The Survey System about every 18 months to two years. This includes new developments in survey software techniques and many suggestions from our existing user base. However, we realize that purchasing every new version of The Survey System can be expensive.
To help smooth your path to an upgraded version of The Survey System, registered users are entitled to all upgrades at a price of approximately one third of the original cost of the survey software. Once you have activated your copy of The Survey System, you are officially registered.
This applies to all versions of The Survey System – not just the latest one. However, if you skip a few versions, you lose out on many benefits in the interim.
New Module Upgrades of The Survey System
You can also add new modules to your existing copy (as long as it is still the current version) for the cost of the module itself – there is no need to buy another full copy. Learn more about our modules available with The Survey System.
Version 12.0 Upgrade Pricing
The cost to upgrade to Version 12.0 of The Survey System depends on which version you currently have.
The link below is to an Adobe PDF price/order forms you can print and fax or mail to us (our fax number and address are on the forms). You are also welcome to call us with your order or questions. You will need the Acrobat Reader to be able to view and print these files. If you do not have the Reader on your PC, you can click here to download it. We can also fax you a copy of the appropriate form on request.