New Features in The Survey System Version 11.0
Version 11 adds many exciting new features to make your surveys and reports even more impressive. Other new features make The Survey System simpler to use and save you time. You can move your mouse over an image on this page to enlarge it, just as you can in surveys.
(If you do not have Version 10.5, also see What's New in Version 10.5)
- Use answer choice and sub-question labels of any length
- Record device type - PC or Mobile
- Edit questions from the Create Web Questionnaire window
- Disable question dragging in the main window
- Trigger skips and calculations based on the number of responses given to a question
- Alphabetize the order in which answer choices appear
- Update panel data with the answers to a survey question
- Create JavaScript charts (see below why this is important)
- Create online dashboards that show selected tables and charts on the report selection page
- Let Web report users save custom reports with banners and filters to reproduce with a single button click
- Create tables and charts that combine results from multiple data files
- Use colors to highlight differences in percentages or means
- Display percent signs when using numeric questions as top box summary tables
- Use answer grid sub-questions as instant banners
- Create DOCX Files
Web Surveys
- Create responsive design surveys that adapt to different devices
- Record device type - desktop or mobile
- Use an external CSS file to control fonts and other page characteristics
- Highlight answers when selected
- Automatically submit pages with only a single question when a choice is picked
- Limit email invitation recipients by imported variable values
- Include a time setting for automatic expiration dates
- Show a countdown of characters left in a multiline verbatim answer
- Show tooltips/pop-up help when the user hovers over or taps a link in question labels or answer choices in a Web survey
- Display the media player to the right of the question text
- Display multiple choice categories in separate columns
- Show buttons at left, right or center
- Vary the space above buttons
- Fix buttons to bottom of page
- Add an Exit button that jumps directly to the end page or a specified question
- Add a button to clear all answers off a page
- Delete multiple files at one time using Transfer Files
- Create subsets of sample files based on attempt dates
- Create subsets of sample files based on imported variable values
- Have a do not call call result automatically add numbers to the Do Not Call list
- Create reports that combine results from multiple sample files
- Exclude duplicate telephone numbers when merging sample files
- Change the Call window introductory text font
- Limit how many people from each quota group can be called at one time
- Import sample file variable names
- Exclude individual imported variables when exporting results
- Place SSI files in the options folder
Off-line Mobile Surveys
- Send data from off-line Android surveys to a server, either after each survey is completed or later when the device has an Internet connection, automatically or manually
- Show colors and font characteristics in question text in off-line Android surveys
- Show only the Question File name on opening screen
- Show a list of Question File names with adjacent Start buttons
- Show a list of Question File names with adjacent Start and Count buttons
- Include more than 99 answer choices
Panel Management
- Automatically update the main panel database when panelists answer survey questions
- Inactivate panelists from a list
- Add incentive points to panelists from a list
Chart Technology Notes
Earlier versions of The Survey System created charts using a Java applet. Until recently Java was the most common
technology used for web applications, but now Google and other browser publishers consider Java to be a
security threat. Users of recent browsers need to grant special permission to let Java run and soon will not
be able to let Java run at all in some browsers. Version 11.0 now lets users create JavaScript charts,
which work in all browsers without requiring special permission.