New Features in The Survey System Version 10.5
Version 10.5 adds many exciting new features to make your surveys and reports even more impressive. Other new features make The Survey System simpler to use and save you time. You can move your mouse over an image on this page to enlarge it, just as you can in Version 10 Web surveys.
(If you do not have Version 10.0, also see What's New in Version 10.0)
- Include up to 500 sub-questions on numeric and answer grid questions
- Delete a question in the Question Instructions window
- Turn require answer on or off for all questions in one step
- Turn automatic question names on or off
- Filter which verbatims appear for inspection coding
- Paste in multiple answer choice or sub-question labels a single step
- Skip and trigger calculations based on whether a verbatim has an answer
- Trigger calculate instructions based on answers to an earlier question
- Assign calculate instructions to instructional and verbatim questions
- Assign calculate results to sub-questions or response numbers
- Reorder logic instructions using drag-and-drop
- Base skips on the number of people who have already given an answer
- Select exclusive answers from a pop-up list
- Select the answer for an other-specify verbatim instruction from a pop-up list
- Use 33% more characters for trigger values, calculation formulas and page breaks in random series
- Choose whether the program should adjust question numbers when copying logic
- Reveal one or more hidden questions on a Web survey page when an answer to another question is selected
- Show decimal places on answer summaries
- Base percentages on people in answer summaries
- Choose odd and even row colors on tables
- Create correlation matrices that highlight selected coefficient levels using statistics, answer grid and numeric questions
- Use colors to highlight statistically significant differences on tables
- Create word clouds to visually show how often different words appear in verbatim answers
- Save Web report tables in downloadble CSV files
Web Surveys
- Purge bounced e-mail addresses and unsubscribe or opt-out addresses
- Click on an answer choice to select it, even without a mouseover color
- Limit answer grid columns based on previous answers
- Create restaurant menu pricing tests
- Create heat maps showing where on an image people clicked
- Show a custom error page when a Study ID file is not found
- Use YouTube to show video
- Prevent backing up to individual questions
- Show an image for only a specified amount of time
- Send e-mail invitations much more quickly
- Let people jump to sections of a survey
- Prevent duplicate answers when doing MaxDiff studies
- Include Alt text for images
- See which questionnaires are complete, over quota or not qualified
- Designate a URL for media files anywhere on the Web
- Present choice boxes side-by-side on web reports produce pages, minimizing scrolling
- Switch FTP sites with a mouse click
- Prevent importing duplicate email addresses
- Adjust time stamps for servers in different time zones
- Select Other automatically when an Other, specify verbatim is answered
- Base individual quotas on the combinations of the answers to up to three questions
- Edit the number of current completes for quotas
- Let respondents continue an interview started by an interviewer
- See which interviewers are logged in
- Prevent importing duplicate telephone numbers
Mobile/PDA Surveys
- Specify the text input size for Mobile web surveys
- Specify grid label size for off-line Android surveys
- Record GPS coordinates in Android surveys
- Use more than 15 sub-questions in Android surveys