New Features in The Survey System Version 10
Version 10.0 adds many exciting new features to make your surveys and reports even more impressive. Other new features make The Survey System simpler to use and save you time. You can move your mouse over an image on this page to enlarge it, just as you can in Version 10 Web surveys.
(If you do not have Version 9.5, also see What's New in Version 9.5)
Questions and Logic
- Copy and insert a group of questions in one step
- Enter question names up to 30 characters long
- Show up to 999 answer choices in a multiple choice question
- Pick trigger values in logic instructions from a list of answer choice labels
- Use new optional codes to specify question names and require answer when importing a survey
- Add project notes to Question Files
- Use consistency checks to make sure two verbatims, such as email addresses, are the same
Data Entry and Management
- Create Data Files with an unlimited number of columns/characters
- Specify data transformation instructions using question names or data columns
Web Surveys and Reports
- Select Web survey answer choices by clicking on labels highlighted while the mouse is over them, increasing response rates by making your surveys easier to complete
- Rank Web survey items by dragging
- Skip directly to Web survey end pages
- Create grids of drop-down choices
- Repeat column labels in long answer grids
- Position images anywhere above, below or inside question text
- Show enhanced charts in reports
- Enlarge images when the mouse is over them
- Upload web survey image files in one step
- Edit passwords, addresses and related information in a spreadsheet format
- Import passwords and/or email addresses from XLS files
- Email reminder messages without creating a subset file
- Include conditional text in email messages sent during a web survey
- Choose the on-page problem message font
- Web survey programs now have ".cgi" extension, rather than ".exe"
- Specify Participant File based quotas using imported variable numbers, not columns
Sample Management/CATI
- Pick telephone callback dates from a calendar with customizable first day of week
- Clear the “have” tallies in quotas, so that Quota Files can be used again
- Ignore the previously required purge quotas step when increasing quota numbers
- Specify Sample File based quotas using imported variable numbers, not columns
- Specify Call window introductory text variables using variable numbers, not columns
- Import samples from XLS files
- Edit the number of interviewer comment characters allowed for an existing Sample File
Mobile Surveys
- See long answer choice labels automatically wrap to fit Mobile screen width
- Download multiple Mobile data files in one step
- Combine multiple Mobile data files in one step
Panel Management
- Use page breaks in joining surveys
- Require panelists to enter both their email address and password to see their page
- Add a Logout button to the panelist portal
Other New Features
- Specify banner variables using question names
- Use a Banner File for multiple studies
- Create enhanced desktop graphics with editing toolbar
- Save reports as PowerPoint files
- Export larger data files to Excel 2007 than allowed by earlier versions of Excel
- See question times on dropout analysis reports